maandag 17 december 2012

Meat pollutes

This infographic, which I made, shows the influence of eating meat for the environment.
It is much more than I would aspect.

Also shocking is that Denmark has the largest comsumption with a shocking 145,9 kg per person!

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Hi Laura! This infographic is very interesting! I didn´t knew the most of the facts you have given in the graphic. It is incredible, which positive effects it has, when you become a vegetarian.
    I also like the way you display the data with the symbols!

  2. Hey Laura! Congratulations on your infographic. I like the colors you chose and also how you express data with different images. Visualizing the amount of meat consumption by different sizes of cows is a really good idea!

  3. Cool, like the aesthetics of the graphic and also the colour and the way of presenting the data in a visual way.
